Monday, May 27, 2019

DIY Recoil Upgrades

The electronic pistol recoil haptics turned out fairly well.  Not as powerful as pneumatic by far but feeling an impact for every shot with a pistol is nice.  And its compatible with the mamut stock cups adding only 1/4" thickness to the offset of the cup locations.  The battery pack is a trap on tripple LiIon  with two magnetic USB charging lines  that snake along the arms to the haptics.  This way if they snag it just releases the magnet.  The charge indicator on the battery is critical to ensure you don't overdischarge the lithium battery.

And Back to the pneumatic, I upgraded several aspects.   First I removed the batter pack since liIons should not be mounted on a jack hammer for fear they may short and ignite.   Instead I connect to a 12V supply via a magnetic coupled USB charging cable.   The cable snakes along the pneumatic line both on a quick coupling connector and join the stock at the 2 point sling.   The next upgrade will be the cylinder which should increase power and efficiency in the same volume.   


  1. how is the electronic pistol work? is it a vibration motor or a solenoid?

    1. While the rifle is a pneumatic piston driven by an air compressor, the pistols are electronic solenoids kinda in reverse. The shaft is held fixed and the entire coil assembly is what gets pulled to slam into the back stop, then pushed with a spring to its reset point with a soft backstop so the impacts are mostly one directional. This also minimizes unnecessary mass of the entire assembly so you feel the recoil impulse more. other than the solenoid coil the next most massive part is the magnet in the 3d printed low profile cap that snaps over the mamut magnetic mount and keys into place. It is low profile because the top is an exact copy of the mamut mount enabling you to use the pistol and rifle recoil devices at the same time as shown in the lower picture. THere is a beamsplitter in the pistol mounts so both the pistol and rifle potodiode can pick up the optical signal from the haptic bypass.
