Sunday, August 26, 2018

Pulp WW2 airships spotted

After frankly years of backburnering this project time and again Ive finally made a solid push over the past few months to get a big chink of the fleets finished.

The inspiration was from crimson skies aircraft pulling from a pulp or dieselpunk ww2 era, but I felt they didnt go far enough.  Their airships were a little.. dull.  So many years ago I started kitbashing airships.  A hint was shown about 7-10 years ago with the large graf zepplin conversion (which still isnt finished being painted)  but more recently I started pushing through alternate airship designs.  I thought if we are taking zeps and adding more weight than they can possibly carry, why not go with sails and other fun or more exotic designs.  Now in the next few days/weeks ill post the progress.  I had to make myself stop painting and start taking pictures... because painting is always more fun when I can find time for it.

To start, a Yakuza yacht.  With 1 small ducted turboprop this thing can get decent speed and with the sails, its as fast as the wind.  .. mainly useful to get them away from rival gangs while their air cover mops up.  But nothing makes  a statement of elegance like 4 enormous sails.  With the right jet stream few fighters have the range to be a threat for long.  And it may look like a Yacht,  but never trust the Yakuza gangs from sneaking zepkiller rockets in place of their life boats. 

 Ive got about 4 more zeps  then a shload of fighters both from the CS universe and from our own WW2 history that should be posted in the next few... when I get around to it.

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